Modernizing waste tracking with Circular Smart Stations

Circular Smart Scales (CSS) represent a groundbreaking leap in waste data collection methodologies. By employing meticulous measurements and capturing images of both general waste and recyclables, CSS transforms the landscape of waste management.

Large 7 inch display with customized app for operations

Local storage with cloud upload and integration with N.A.T.A.L.I.E.

Structured dataset with key tracking metrics

Can be retrofitted into various equipment such as lifters, compactors, etc

Up to 2,000kg of capture capabilities

Modernizing waste tracking with Circular Smart Stations

Circular Smart Scales (CSS) represent a groundbreaking leap in waste data collection methodologies. By employing meticulous measurements and capturing images of both general waste and recyclables, CSS transforms the landscape of waste management.

Large 7 inch display with customized app for operations

Local storage with cloud upload and integration with N.A.T.A.L.I.E.

Structured dataset with key tracking metrics

Can be retrofitted into various equipment such as lifters, compactors, etc

Up to 2,000kg of capture capabilities

A journey from Web 0 to digitalization

In this ideal use case, Circular Smart Stations redefine waste disposal activities, seamlessly tracking and digitizing every step. This process empowers end-users with valuable insights, marking a transition from traditional waste disposal to a digitally optimized and informed approach.



Users capture data seamlessly through Circular Smart Stations prior to standard waste or recyclables disposal.


Cloud Integration

The data seamlessly uploads to the cloud, ready for advanced processing, including machine learning and image recognition.


N.A.T.A.L.I.E or API

The data is integrated into N.A.T.A.L.I.E. or can be accessed via API for integration with other systems.


Informed Decision

Clients can then make well-informed decisions regarding their waste and recycling operations.

A journey from Web 0 to digitalization

In this ideal use case, Circular Smart Stations redefine waste disposal activities, seamlessly tracking and digitizing every step. This process empowers end-users with valuable insights, marking a transition from traditional waste disposal to a digitally optimized and informed approach.



Users capture data seamlessly through Circular Smart Stations prior to standard waste or recyclables disposal.


Cloud Integration

The data seamlessly uploads to the cloud, ready for advanced processing, including machine learning and image recognition.


N.A.T.A.L.I.E or API

The data is integrated into N.A.T.A.L.I.E. or can be accessed via API for integration with other systems.


Informed Decision

Clients can then make well-informed decisions regarding their waste and recycling operations.

Integration of Circular Vision with our Circular Smart Stations

In harmony with our Circular Smart Stations, our innovative system captures images of items, contributing to applications such as contamination alert protocols and waste composition identification.

Integration of Circular Vision with our Circular Smart Stations

In harmony with our Circular Smart Stations, our innovative system captures images of items, contributing to applications such as contamination alert protocols and waste composition identification.

Exploring the benefits of various stakeholders

Frontline users

1 Awareness and tracking of sustainability activities.

2 Gamification & incentivization.

3 Continuous reinforced education.

4 Potential behavioral change.

Service vendors

1 Visibility in data aiding resource planning.

2 Increase quality of recyclables.

3 Better waste disposal operations.

4 Able to provide more relevant solutions targeted at outcome vs equipment.

Building management

1 Better quality recycling and waste programs.

2 Visibility of sustainability activities. 

3 Able to tackle issues at source with analytics.

4 Performance benchmarking analysis.

Exploring the benefits of various stakeholders

Frontline users

1 Awareness and tracking of sustainability activities.

2 Gamification & incentivization.

3 Continuous reinforced education.

4 Potential behavioral change.

Service vendors

1 Visibility in data aiding resource planning.

2 Increase quality of recyclables.

3 Better waste disposal operations.

4 Able to provide more relevant solutions targeted at outcome vs equipment.

Building management

1 Better quality recycling and waste programs.

2 Visibility of sustainability activities. 

3 Able to tackle issues at source with analytics.

4 Performance benchmarking analysis.

Accelerate your decarbonization journey

Contact us today for a consultation on how we can help your company achieve net zero emissions by 2030.

Accelerate your decarbonization journey

Contact us today for a consultation on how we can help your company achieve net zero emissions by 2030.